Discover The Single Biggest Mistake Female Entrepreneurs Make When Selling Their Offers...




Discover the hidden in plain sight secrets for producing the results your business has been searching for...


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Enrollment For This Class Is Currently Open!


Accept The Challenge

Are you willing to challenge what you believe about selling, money, your offer and prospects? Step up, commit and watch your life transform.


Time: Monday thru Friday

5 Day Commitment: 1-2 hours per day. Get immersed in the process. Finish the week as a world-class Salesgirl.

 Final Result

 Final Result

Making money becomes a natural byproduct of how you speak by presenting yourself (and your offer) in a way that people can't get enough of.


This Class Is For

This Class Is For

Female entrepreneurs that sell an offer. Coaching programs, real estate, circus tickets or ice to an eskimo. The spotlight will be removed from your offer and onto your prospect. (You'll be amazed at how little your offer matters.)

Here's What Other Challengers Are Saying!


Check Out What People Are Saying...




Learn to Make Selling as Effortless and Elegant as Tying Your Shoe

In this 5-day challenge, learn The Salesgirls' infamous method of selling your offer every day without talking about your offer every day. In this new method, you get people over the 'belief bridge' by selling (not telling) beliefs, payoffs and what's possible for people's lives when they work with you.

This Is For You If...

  • You have an offer, and you're making some sales, but it's to family and friends or feels like you just got "lucky."
  • You don't have an offer yet, but have the dream or vision and aren't sure how to take it from paper to the people.
  • You're a coach and don't care about "selling," but desperately want to be able to have more clients so that you can serve in the ways you know you were born to.
  • You've been told you could "sell ice to eskimos," but you're tired of leaving every close feeling like you tricked them into buying.


Challenge Community

Access the Sell Your Offer Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other Salesgirls fired up about learning how to sell their offer.


DAY 1: Persuasion is Your Superpower

Uncover your hidden superpower that's ready to come out.


DAY 2: Sell the Value

Telling someone the values is NOT the same thing as selling the value. Selling people on what it could do for their life is the secret skill that has the power to change everything for YOU and your prospects.


DAY 3: Know What to Say About Your Offer

Questions are the answers. Learn how to ask the right questions to get the exact thing to say when selling your offer.


DAY 4: How to Sell to the Masses

You are one conversation away from your next breakthrough. Learn how a single one-on-one sales conversation can become a public sales message that resulted in a $30K day for one of your clients. (Hello, leverage.)

DAY 5: How to be their Guide into a Decision

Take them by the hand and lead the one. Question by question, belief by belief, you can guide them over the belief bridge and into a new way of selling.


Step Up To The Challenge!

There are two ways to start Selling Your Offer...

Here's how:

Via Live Challenge

Recordings Available Through the Sunday Immediately Following the Live Challenge.

The next challenge starts:

November 11 - 15, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm EST



Yes, I'm in!

11:00am - 1:00pm EST



Yes, I'm in!

11:00pm - 1:00pm EST




Yes, I'm in!




(11am to 1pm EST)

  • Ask your question LIVE
  • Watch 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


only 60 seats available!

PLUS two powerful bonuses:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)


only 60 seats available!




(11am to 1pm EST)

  • Watch 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS two powerful bonuses:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)




(12pm to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...



PLUS two powerful bonuses:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)




(11am to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS two powerful bonuses:

only 40 seats available!

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)



only 40 seats available!



(12pm to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS ONE powerful bonus:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)


You aren't sure if it's the right time or if this challenge is for you?

Let me answer some questions that you might have.

How is the Sell Your Offer Challenge different from everything else I've seen?

Contrary to the title, this actually isn’t about selling your offer. It’s not about crafting your offer suite. It’s not about offer pricing or value stacking.

This is about selling (not telling) the value. Selling the payoff. When you do this well, your prospects not only believe in the possibility of the payoff, but they believe the payoff is possible for them. This is when the prospect easily sees that the only thing keeping them from that payoff is your offer.

I know - you’ve likely heard about ‘selling the value” - but can you do it as effortlessly and elegantly as tying your shoes? If not - you are still learning.


What's in it for me?

You’ll learn how to make every sentence out of your mouth (or fingers) be a domino in moving people closer to buying from you. No more second guessing. 


How do I know this is real?

Jan is a real estate coach who is no stranger to success and making sales. But she was getting sucked into the monotonous flow of her business. She was thinking about strategies and systems. Things were feeling stale, and her sales were reflective of that. After the Sell Your Offer Challenge, she was reinvigorated, realigned and refocused on selling (not telling) the payoff for each of her individual prospects.

Therefore, she made an $8K sale during the 5-day challenge. 


What's Holding Me Back?

If you’ve tried, what seems like, every sales strategy in the book and haven’t had a breakthrough… It's not your fault.

That’s because all sales strategies that I am aware of are focused on the offer itself, not the people you’re selling to.

The real problem is you’re focused on what to say about your offer rather than what your prospect wants to hear about what’s possible for their life.

This is a brand new way of selling because it takes the focus off of you and your offer and onto placing hope and belief into the prospect.

And when they believe it’s possible for them, your offer becomes a no brainer.


Who/What is to Blame?

Typical online business advice will tell you the effortless way to make sales in your sleep is with funnels, paid advertising, podcasting, evergreen launches, live launches or building an email list.

What they aren’t telling you is none of these strategies work unless the message inside of the strategies is right.

Answering Ideal Client Avatar questions that spit out hypothetical, general payoffs won’t cut it.

Listing out 10 potential payoffs and then offering them like the Golden Corral buffet so people can ‘pick their payoff’ won’t cut it.

People demand a personalized, ‘private-chef-meal’ that serves them the exact payoff that reflects the desire in their hearts.

The right message isn’t something you decide, it’s something you developed through selling the value through conversations.

I know - it seems like selling to the masses right away saves time.

Trust me when I say - it’s only making the process so, SO much longer.

The ability to sell to the masses in your sleep becomes a byproduct of this brand new payoff discovery process.

And it can be mastered quicker than you think.

Just like Ashley Brock, who went from having $5,000 launch to a $30,000 launch to having a $130K day all within the span of 9 months - just from dialing in her focus to mastering the art of selling the payoff.

Even Russell Brunson says, “a sales funnel is like cloning your best salesperson.”

Now is the time for YOU to become your best salesperson so that you know exactly what, and who, to clone.


Why Now?

This single event is going to fast track your breakthrough unlike any course, program or conference you’ve ever experienced before.

When you sign up, you get immediate access to your School of Salesgirl bonus where you learn how to become someone people want to say yes to before they even hear your offer.

You have access to this until the final day of the challenge.

The quicker you can become this person, the quicker you’ll stand out from the rest.

It will be like buying Apple stock in 1982.

Those who can wrap their mind around the potential early on will experience life changing results.

Everyone else will wish they saw what you saw.

That’s why I urge you to sign up immediately.

Get ahead of the crowd.

Ahead of the people that are heads-down-obsessed with the wrong things.

Meanwhile, you are heads-up, selling your payoff with people lined up around the corner in tears saying, “thank you for letting me buy this from you."


Why Should I Trust You?

We’re the Salesgirls. We’ve trained thousands of women in sales skills and have made millions of dollars with nothing more than a powerful message and Instagram stories.

But we’ve been where you are.

When I (Macy) started selling my first offer, I hid behind selling by sharing a play by play of my life on social media.

I was embarrassed.

I was desperate for people to like me and trust me. I assumed if they knew what I was doing every day, they would be able to trust me and, ultimately, buy from me.

This resulted in zero sales.

I had to make this work. Or else it was back to a corporate job and - even worse - letting myself down.

My dad lovingly called me out for coming off as ‘ashamed’ to sell.

He was right. I was ashamed. I hated that my insecurities were affecting my results.

Because of this, I went all in on the very thing I resisted: mastering sales skills. 

But I messed up. I went from one side of the selling spectrum straight to the other. Selling my actual offer all day, everyday.

Product, product, product. Offer, offer, offer. 

I was definitely seeing more results from selling the offer itself, but I noticed people disengaging. I was losing their attention.

I wanted both: people that enjoyed interacting with me AND people that desired to buy from me.

I didn’t want to pick.

That’s when I found the sweet spot: selling (not telling) the specific payoffs of the offer.

The same sales skills that I used to sell the offer itself was transferred to selling beliefs, possibilities and selling people to believe that their dream payoff was possible for them.

When the value was sold (not told), people were locked in. AND they bought.

The content well never ran dry. I discovered the framework to say the exact same message in a million different ways.

Conversations became the breadcrumbs that revealed the next pivot my messaging needed and, almost always, led to a massive rush of sales.

Because of this, my offer became a no-brainer when people believed the specific payoff they desired was possible for them.

This method is what allowed us to hit $1.2 million (organically) in the 3rd year of business and $7 million in total sales by year 5 of business.

Today, I am a mom that knows exactly what to do to move the needle when I work, and picks up my kids by 2:30 everyday.

I get to be an example of what’s possible for them and for you. I get to do work that’s worth doing AND make my dream money while doing it.


I was persistent, so I pivoted to selling products that had a “no ceiling” type of potential that made my world open up. 

Ah, the power of sales. This was going to be great because, well, I knew I was made for something great.

So off on this journey I went, pouring effort and ideas and nervous energy into this thing that would bring in money and fulfillment on my own terms. 

But, no matter what I did or how hard I tried the sales plateaued at a measly $200-$1,000 per month MAXIMUM. For 2 years I got the same results. 

At that point I, pregnant with my first child, allowed myself to finally say it: “maybe I’m not cut out for this”

I wasn’t one to give up, but something had to give. 

And I was right. Something did give.

It wasn’t what I was doing that was wrong, but HOW I was doing it that was wrong.

Three weeks after my baby was born, I became one of Macy’s first students and my world flipped right side up. I FINALLY saw traction, movement. 

I (Kat) always felt it in my bones that I was made for something great. I embarked onto my professional journey as a registered dietitian only to be disappointed by the 9-5 clock-in routine. My dreams of being the TODAY Show dietitian faded before my eyes.

“This is the real me,” I thought. I was unrecognizable to everyone around me, but to me, I finally felt like myself.

My sales reflected it. A 4x increase in 90 days, top 1% in sales within 8 months, and a $10,000 month in one year.

This life change wasn’t just a sales win, but a life win.

Which is why I knew I had to give it all up to partner with Macy to take these skills, and the Salesgirl mission, to the world. 

Trust me when I tell you, everything can change in one year. (we have thousands of Salesgirls say the same)

I’ve been in your shoes, and I promise you don’t need a new pair, you just need to tie those laces. Let’s go, Salesgirl. 


How does this work?

You sign up for the Sell Your Offer Challenge and be blown away like never before.

You won’t be blown away by the challenge or the Salesgirls. You will be blown away by the part of you that we introduce you to.

You’ll be blown away at how quickly you can learn, implement and get results. You’ll be blown away at how you can become the irresistible salesgirl with the flip of a switch. You’ll be blown away at how your breakthrough has always been right in front of you and now can finally experience it.

The more you learn, the more you earn.


The more you implement, the greater your income increments.

Wealth belongs to the people who can learn the fastest and implement.

This is exactly what happens in this challenge.


How can I get started?

This is - by far - the most accessible we’ve been in this capacity.

Our hourly rate is $15K per hour.
Our Salesgirl Inner Circle is $50K.
Our VIP day is $250K.

The value of this challenge is - almost - unbelievable.

Here are your 2 options:



(11am to 1pm EST)

  • Ask your question LIVE
  • Watch 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


only 60 seats available!

PLUS two powerful bonuses:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)



only 60 seats available!



(11am to 1pm EST)

  • Watch 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS two powerful bonuses:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)




(12pm to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...



PLUS ONE powerful bonus:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)




(11am to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live coaching
  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS two powerful bonuses:

only 40 seats available!

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)

2. Excellence Week: How to make excellence your new standard ($997 VALUE)



only 40 seats available!



(12pm to 1pm EST)

  • 5 hours of live training on how to Sell Your Offer so it's a no-brainer...


PLUS ONE powerful bonus:

1. Salesgirl Protocol: How to become the person that people say yes to before they hear your offer
($397 VALUE)


What do I have to lose?

“This is the real me,” I thought. I was unrecognizable to everyone around me, but to me, I finally felt like myself.

My sales reflected it. A 4x incr

Look, you’ve seen how you, your business and your sales could be reinvigorated from this one experience.

You’ve seen how mastering the ability to sell the payoff could be the missing piece to having a $134,000 day.

Now it’s time for a decision.

The way I see it, you have 3 options...

Option #1:

 Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If your sales are growing, you can sell out of a sound sleep and you are fired up to wake up and work everyday, you might not need this new way of selling.

But if you’d like to make sales easier and be reinvigorated like never before, that leaves you with two other options…

Option #2:

Figure out a better way yourself

Eventually, something will have to give. You can keep downloading opt-ins and grabbing mini courses and putting them in your graveyard.

You can keep feeling disappointed in the lack of results compared to all of your hard work.

You can try to hire someone to delegate the problem to and either:

1. pray every night they either don’t leave or
2. that they represent you the way you want them to

If you spend hours pulling it together or hours on finding and training (ish) the right person, you might be able to pull it off.

Option #3:

Let the Sell Your Offer Challenge do the heavy lifting for you.

You’ll begin mastering the new way.

You’ll implement faster than you’ve ever implemented anything before.

All you need to do is show up and be ready to go all in.

There are those that dream about the life they want and those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Most will tell you they want to make a lot of money selling their offer.

But we both know very few actually make it happen.

The classic tail of the willful and the wishful.

Since you’ve made it this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones.

One of the 60 I want in the Platinum VIP room. 

If I’m right and you’re with me, I’ll send you your bonuses immediately after you sign up with the subject line:

Excited doesn't even cover it

Only you can decide. ease in 90 days, top 1% in sales within 8 months, and a $10,000 month in one year.

This life change wasn’t just a sales win, but a life win.

Which is why I knew I had to give it all up to partner with Macy to take these skills, and the Salesgirl mission, to the world. 

Trust me when I tell you, everything can change in one year.

(we have thousands of Salesgirls say the same)

I’ve been in your shoes, and I promise you don’t need a new pair, you just need to tie those laces.

Let's go, Salesgirl

Become A Sales Machine And The Go-to Girl In Your Industry That You Were Destined To Be...

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